User Committees
United States Antarctic Program United States Antarctic Program Logo National Science Foundation Logo
As of midnight, December 20, 2024, the U.S. government is experiencing a lapse in appropriations. Until the situation is resolved, please refer to website regarding the status for federal employees. We expect the U.S. Antarctic Program to remain operational under our contractor for the foreseeable future. Should the situation change, we will post additional information on this website when it is legally permissible to do so.
USAP marine science personnel prepare to deploy a sediment trap off the side of the NBP
Marine science personnel
preparing to deploy a
sediment trap.

The NSF prime support contractor for USAP science sponsors four science user committees that represent user communities focused on regional interests. These committees provide feedback regarding contractor support and services.

USAP Station and Vessels Committee Charter and By Laws Link to PDF file

Station Committee Pages

MAUC McMurdo Area User Committee
SPUC South Pole User Committee
PAUC Palmer Area User Committee
ARVOC Antarctic Research Vessel Oversight Committee