The United States Antarctic Program (USAP) Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) division manages and oversees the environmental, safety, and health aspects of research and operations conducted in Antarctica for U.S. stations, field camps, and research vessels. EH&S programs are designed to support multi-diverse locations and communities, preserve the natural resources of Antarctica's unique environment, and support the mission, vision, and goals of the U.S. National Science Foundation For more information, see the U.S. National Science Foundation Polar Environment, Safety and Health (PESH) Following are summaries of the treaties and laws that apply to Antarctica and of recent actions taken in the USAP. Treaties and Laws that Protect the Environment |
Environmental Stewardship
Protecting the environment is a high priority for nations that operate in Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty System The U.S. government is pledged to uphold these principles. The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) operates the USAP in accordance with U.S. and international requirements regarding protection of the environment.