USAP Mailing Lists
United States Antarctic Program United States Antarctic Program Logo National Science Foundation Logo
As of midnight, December 20, 2024, the U.S. government is experiencing a lapse in appropriations. Until the situation is resolved, please refer to website regarding the status for federal employees. We expect the U.S. Antarctic Program to remain operational under our contractor for the foreseeable future. Should the situation change, we will post additional information on this website when it is legally permissible to do so.

The United States Antarctic Program (USAP) utilizes a listserver for distributing pertinent information to target audiences. There is a listserv list for each USAP station that advises of outages, network and system maintenance, and other IT events of interest. These lists are broadcast lists only and any mail sent to the lists by general members is rejected.

A wide variety of lists are available for topics such as the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, cargo, and field camp statuses, recreational activities, as well as flights and weather reports for each USAP station. The USAP also maintains system/service event notification lists that allow member postings, but membership does requires moderator approval.

There are three ways to be subscribed to a mailing list:

  1. If you know the name of the list moderator, you may make a request directly to them to be added to the list.
  2. Make a request to be subscribed to a mailing list by emailing the USAP Enterprise Service Desk. Please be sure to include the name of the mailing list you wish to subscribe to. The available lists and a short description are below.
  3. USAP participants may still self-subscribe using the ListServ interface.
List Description
60-south USAP 60 South Crossing Advisory
chc-intercontinental-flight-group The CHC Intercontinental Flight Group listserv is a product of Christchurch Operations. There are multiple end-users of this information.
continental_camps_sitreps Situation Reports for Field Operations Camps
csv-personnel-notices CSV Personnel Notices
csv-sitrep USAP CSV Situation Report
mcm-asc-leadership-notes McMurdo ASC Leadership Notes
mcm-intercontinental-flights The Intercontinental Flights listserv managed by ATO.
mcm-intracontinental-flights The McMurdo Intracontinental Flights listserv is a product of ATO. There are multiple end-users of this information
mcm-medevac USAP Continental Medevac List
mcm-recreation McMurdo Week in Recreation
mcm-sitrep USAP McMurdo Situation Report
mcm-town-minutes USAP McMurdo Town Meeting Minutes
mcm_seaice_report MCM SeaIce Sitrep
nbp-personnel-notices NBP Personnel Notices
nbp-science-weekly USAP NBP Science Weekly
nbp-sitrep USAP NBP Situation Report
pal-medevac USAP Peninsula Medevac List
pal-sitrep USAP Palmer Situation Report
sciencetraverse-sitrep Situation Reports for Science Traverses
sciencetraverse-sitrep-public Situation Reports for Science Traverses
spo-monthly-science-report South Pole Monthly Science Report
spo-sitrep USAP South Pole Situation Report
spot1_sitrep Sitrep for Spot_1 fieldcamp
spot1public Sitrep for Spot_1 Friends and Family
spot2_sitrep Sitrep for Spot_2 fieldcamp.
spot2public Sitrep for Spot_2 Friends and Family
sptr SPTR Notification List
sptr_data SPTR Data Throughput Notification List
sptr_sn SPTR_SN Notification List
uas_operations_notification Product of NPP/ATC. Unmanned Aircraft System
usap_aircraft_emergency_notifications usap_aircraft_emergency_notifications
usap_airfield_status_report USAP - Airfield Status Report
usap_aviation_weather_support Runway & Camp TAFs, PSR forecasts, VFR/Helo/AOPB Briefings
usap_basler_and_twin_otter_movement_reports Product of NPP/ATC. The USAP Basler and Twin Otter Movement Reports listserv show aircraft movements for different kinds of aircraft.
usap_christchurch_notify USAP Christchurch Notification List
usap_enterprise_notify USAP Enterprise Notification List
usap_fixed_wing_movement_reports Product of NPP/ATC. The USAP Fixed Wing Movement Reports listserv shows aircraft movements for different kinds of aircraft.
usap_fixed_wing_schedule_and_updates Compiled Fixed Wing Flight Schedule published daily during McMurdo Summer, and additional emails regarding status of today’s KBA flights.
usap_flight_status_updates usap_flight_status_updates
usap_ground_weather_support Daily Forecast for Palmer and McMurdo. Severe Weather Conditions
usap_lc_130_intercontinental-mission-updates USAP LC-130 Intercontinental Mission Updates produced by ANG Raven Ops in McMurdo or CHC.
usap_lc_130_on-continent-mission-updates USAP LC-130 On-Continent Mission Updates produced by ANG Raven Ops in McMurdo or CHC.
usap_maritime_weather_support WEAX-NBP, WEAX-Other USAP Ships
usap_mcmurdo_notify USAP McMurdo Notification List
usap_overdue_aircraft_eoc_notification usap_overdue_aircraft_eoc_notification
usap_palmer_notify USAP Palmer Notification List
usap_southpole_notify USAP South Pole Notification List
vessel-arrivals Peninsula Vessel Arrival Advisory
vessel-cargo Peninsula Vessel Cargo Advisory
vessel-departures Peninsula Vessel Departure Advisory
vessel-weekly Peninsula Vessel Weekly