![]() To perform research in Antarctica is to truly push the bounds of science. Participants in the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) must pass stringent physical qualifications and extensive safety training in preparation for deployment to the "Ice." The Participant On-Line Antarctic Resource Information Coordination Environment (POLAR ICE) is the web-based software application used to assist in deployment preparation, and coordinate and facilitate support for Antarctic research missions. Researchers who have been awarded NSF funding for work in Antarctica use POLAR ICE in the following ways:
Security ConsiderationsUsers are reminded to consider privacy issues and avoid entering sensitive information that is not required by the application. Such sensitive information may include personal phone numbers and/or addresses as well as any unique identifiers utilized by your project team or institution. Social security numbers are neither required nor should they be entered at any time. System RequirementsPOLAR ICE is designed to work cross-platform, including PC, Apple®, and UNIX machines. Due to the vast array of browser types, capabilities, and compatibility levels, it works optimally in the latest available versions of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome™, and Mozilla Firefox™. Additionally, users should ensure they have Adobe Reader™ installed for PDF viewing and printing. POLAR ICE TutorialThe POLAR ICE tutorial contains important information about navigating the site, how to create a new document, and how to create comprehensive content. First-time users are strongly encouraged to complete the tutorial prior to using POLAR ICE. FeedbackYou can supply feedback on your experience using the POLAR ICE application using the feedback link on each individual SIP. At the bottom of your SIP worksheet page, you will see a "Send Feedback" link. Clicking this link will open a form window; the form you submit will be attached to information about your session, and will provide our technical team with vital information about your use case. Thank you for submitting feedback about POLAR ICE! Technical SupportPOLAR ICE technical support is available during regular business hours (MST) by email and phone.