The U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) logo may be used by USAP participants to acknowledge USAP support. Any public or official materials associated with USAP, whether in print or online, must include the USAP logo. The logo should not be used in a manner that falsely implies employment by or affiliation with the USAP. It must not be used to imply endorsement of or actual endorsement of a product or service. Do not use the NSF or USAP brand names as part of another company or service name, web site name, trade name or product name. Do not incorporate the logos into other company logos or trademarks. The shape, colors, proportions, or orientation of the USAP logo should not be changed. Do not animate the logo. No explicit permission is necessary to use the USAP logo as described above. Requests to use the logo other than as stated above must be approved. Specific color standards and file types can be provided if needed. Inquiries should be directed to USAP Communications Team. The USAP logo should always be downloaded from this website to ensure the most current version is used.
Please also refer to the U.S. National Science Foundation Brand Standards Manual for how to use the NSF logo and USAP together. If displayed together, the NSF and USAP logos shall be placed so that the NSF is always superior, meaning it must be placed either above or to the left of the USAP logo.
The NSF logo should always appear larger than the USAP logo. Please refer to the above examples. Always download the NSF logo from the NSF website to ensure the most current version is used. More InformationFor more information on what to expect from the USAP website and what we expect from our users, see our Policies. |